DOM Parsing =========== .. note:: I am seeking feedback for this feature. If there are any changes or additions to the API you feel would make it more useful, or if you have any other suggestions, please `let me know`_ (or `via email`_ if you prefer). Be aware that I may make updates to the :mod:`md4c.domparser` API in response to feedback I receive. When that is no longer the case, I will remove this message and make a note in the changelog_. .. _let me know: .. _via email: .. _changelog: What does "DOM parsing" mean? ----------------------------- In the world of XML, there are two general types of parsers: SAX (i.e. event-based) and DOM (i.e. tree-based). SAX parsers traverse the document, and as each tag or bit of content is parsed, the appropriate event is emitted (enter-element, leave-element, characters) and a callback handles it. DOM parsers construct a tree representation of the entire document for the caller. While the concepts were originally conceived for XML, most parsers for any markup language usually fit into these same two categories. The MD4C C library and the main :mod:`md4c` Python module take a definitive SAX-like approach to parsing (and the MD4C library is proud of it). This is clear from the :class:`~md4c.GenericParser` API. The :mod:`md4c.domparser` module provides a DOM-like API for use cases where that style is more appropriate. It produces an AST where each paragraph, heading, link, block quote, etc. is represented by an :class:`~md4c.domparser.ASTNode`. Why use DOM-like parsing? ------------------------- You may find that the :class:`~md4c.HTMLRenderer` and SAX-like parsers do not provide the flexibility you need. A typical use-case would be if you want to manipulate the input document before it is rendered. For example, maybe you want to convert every occurrence of a certain word to a hyperlink, except in code blocks. Or you want to delete everything after the first paragraph under each heading. The tradeoff for this flexibility is speed: - DOM parsers are more resource-intensive than SAX parsers in general, due to the overhead from producing a tree representation of the entire document in memory. - Furthermore, the SAX-like parsers in PyMD4C are a thin layer on top of MD4C, which is heavily optimized C code. :class:`~md4c.domparser.DOMParser` is implemented in Python on top of :class:`~md4c.ParserObject`. Generating an AST ----------------- Since many applications will not need them, the DOM-like parser and the classes for the AST are all in a separate module: :mod:`md4c.domparser`. The parser itself is the :class:`md4c.domparser.DOMParser` class. In the most simple case, it is used like this:: import md4c.domparser with open('', 'r') as f: markdown = parser = md4c.domparser.DOMParser() ast = parser.parse(markdown) At this point, ``ast`` is the root :class:`~md4c.domparser.Document` node of the tree. You can render the tree as HTML:: html = ast.render() Or you can traverse the tree:: def traverse(ast_node): # Do stuff on this node before traversing to children try: for child in ast_node.children: traverse(child) except AttributeError: # No children pass # Do stuff on this node after traversing to children traverse(ast) AST Node Objects ---------------- Each type of Markdown element (i.e. each type of block, span, and text) has an associated AST type. For example, :class:`~md4c.domparser.Paragraph` is for :attr:`BlockType.P `. See :ref:`astobjs` for the full list. For Markdown elements with additional details attached to them (see :ref:`details`), each detail becomes an attribute in the object. For instance, a :class:`~md4c.domparser.Heading` object ``hdg`` would have attribute ``hdg.level``. There are a few base classes that the AST classes inherit from: :class:`md4c.domparser.ASTNode` All AST classes inherit from this class. It provides the :attr:`~md4c.domparser.ASTNode.type` and :attr:`~md4c.domparser.ASTNode.parent` attributes. This is also the class that should be used to construct all AST node objects, no matter their type. More on that in the later sections. :class:`md4c.domparser.ContainerNode` All AST classes that are not leaf nodes inherit from this class. That is, all blocks and inlines except :class:`~md4c.domparser.HorizontalRule`. It provides the :attr:`~md4c.domparser.ContainerNode.children` attribute and the :meth:`~md4c.domparser.ContainerNode.append` and :meth:`~md4c.domparser.ContainerNode.insert` methods for adding new children. :class:`md4c.domparser.TextNode` All AST classes associated with :class:`md4c.TextType`\ s inherit from this. It provides the :attr:`~md4c.domparser.TextNode.text` attribute containing the unprocessed text from the parser. AST Manipulation ---------------- One of the primary benefits of using a DOM-like parser is you can do AST manipulations on the parsed document before rendering it in HTML. Below are a couple examples of AST manipulations you could do. Add a Copyright Notice ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Suppose you wanted to add a horizontal rule and then a copyright notice at the end of the document. (This probably doesn't require generating the full AST, but it serves as a simple example.) You could do that like this:: import md4c import md4c.domparser # Parse document with open('', 'r') as f: markdown = parser = md4c.domparser.DOMParser() ast = parser.parse(markdown) # Generate horizontal rule and copyright notice paragraph hr = md4c.domparser.ASTNode(md4c.BlockType.HR) p = md4c.domparser.ASTNode(md4c.BlockType.P) # Add copyright notice text to the paragraph p.append(md4c.domparser.ASTNode( md4c.TextType.NORMAL, text='Copyright ')) p.append(md4c.domparser.ASTNode( md4c.TextType.ENTITY, text='©')) p.append(md4c.domparser.ASTNode( md4c.TextType.NORMAL, text=' 2021 John Doe')) # Add the horizontal rule and copyright notice to the end of the document ast.append(hr) ast.append(p) # Render html = ast.render() There are several important points to note: - New nodes are always constructed using the :class:`~md4c.domparser.ASTNode` constructor, no matter the type. It will construct the appropriate subclass depending on the node type enum member passed in as the first argument. - Additional arguments for the :class:`~md4c.domparser.ASTNode` constructor, when given, must be keyword-only. For text nodes, this must be a single ``text`` argument. For nodes with :ref:`details
`, these would correspond with the keys for the details dict. - Nodes can be added as children by calling the :meth:`~md4c.domparser.ContainerNode.append` method on the parent. That appends the node to the parent's children list and sets the child node's parent. - Neither the horizontal rule node nor any of the text nodes can accept children. They do not have :meth:`~md4c.domparser.ContainerNode.append` (or :meth:`~md4c.domparser.ContainerNode.insert`) methods. Linkify a Keyword ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now a slightly more involved example: You want to replace every instance of your company name, "Example, Inc." with a link to its homepage, but only in normal text (i.e. not code blocks, raw HTML, etc.). You might do that as follows:: import md4c import md4c.domparser # Parse document with open('', 'r') as f: markdown = parser = md4c.domparser.DOMParser() ast = parser.parse(markdown) def linkify_name(parent, i): """If there are any instances of the company name in child i of the parent, linkify them and return the index of the last inserted child. If there are not, return i.""" text = parent.children[i].text before, name, after = text.partition('Example, Inc.') if name == '': # Name not present. return i # Remove old child parent.children.pop(i) # Add the before portion, if not empty if before != '': before_node = md4c.domparser.ASTNode( md4c.TextType.NORMAL, text=before) parent.insert(i, before_node) i += 1 # Add the link link_node = md4c.domparser.ASTNode( md4c.SpanType.A, href=[(md4c.TextType.NORMAL, '')]) link_node.append(md4c.domparser.ASTNode( md4c.TextType.NORMAL, text=name)) parent.insert(i, link_node) # Add the after portion and check for more instances, # if not empty if after != '': i += 1 after_node = md4c.domparser.ASTNode( md4c.TextType.NORMAL, text=after) parent.insert(i, after_node) return linkify_name(parent, i) return i def find_and_linkify_name(ast_node): """Traverse the AST looking for normal text nodes, then linkify the company name""" try: i = 0 while i < len(ast_node.children): child = ast_node.children[i] if child.type is md4c.TextType.NORMAL: i = linkify_name(ast_node, i) else: find_and_linkify_name(child) i += 1 except AttributeError: # No children pass # Linkify company name and render find_and_linkify_name(ast) html = ast.render() Some points to note about this example: - The :meth:`~md4c.domparser.ContainerNode.insert` method is like :meth:`~md4c.domparser.ContainerNode.append`, except it lets you pick where in the parent's children list to insert the new child node. - There is no special method to remove a child. Just pop it from the parent's children list. - Be careful when modifying the children list as you iterate over it. It's not safe to use a for loop on a list that you intend to insert or remove items from. - The node type is identified with ``child.type is md4c.TextType.NORMAL``, not ``isinstance(child, md4c.domparser.NormalText)``. The former works even if using a custom AST class to handle normal text, while the latter only works with the default :class:`~md4c.domparser.NormalText` class. .. warning:: This example was just a demonstration. If you wanted to do something like this in production code, you should consider that 1) normal text can appear in places where the link replacement shouldn't happen (e.g. inside the text of an existing link), and 2) numeric entities (e.g. ``E`` for ``E``) can be used to foil the matching. Using Custom AST Classes ------------------------ You can customize the classes used for the AST. The main reason to do so is for customizing the rendering functionality, either to tailor the HTML generation to your particular application or generate another output format altogether. To provide an example, suppose you wanted to use MathJax to render your equations. The default :class:`~md4c.domparser.InlineMath` and :class:`~md4c.domparser.DisplayMath` classes render ```` tags, but you need them to render ``\(...\)`` and ``\[...\]`` instead. Here is how you could do that:: import md4c import md4c.domparser # Create custom AST classes for InlineMath and DisplayMath class InlineMathJax(md4c.domparser.InlineMath, element_type=md4c.SpanType.LATEXMATH): def render_pre(self, **kwargs): return '\\(' def render_post(self, **kwargs): return '\\)' class DisplayMathJax(md4c.domparser.DisplayMath, element_type=md4c.SpanType.LATEXMATH_DISPLAY): def render_pre(self, **kwargs): return '\\[' def render_post(self, **kwargs): return '\\]' # Parse and render document with open('', 'r') as f: markdown = parser = md4c.domparser.DOMParser(latex_math_spans=True) ast = parser.parse(markdown) html = ast.render() The magic here is in the class parameters: Alongside the parent class, we have an ``element_type`` parameter. So long as one of our class's ancestors is :class:`~md4c.domparser.ASTNode` and ``element_type`` is provided, :class:`~md4c.domparser.ASTNode` will register our new class as the one to construct for that element type. This needs to be done before calling the :meth:`~md4c.domparser.DOMParser.parse` method. Some additional notes about the AST classes: - Most of the block and span classes (all except :class:`~md4c.domparser.HorizontalRule`) inherit from :class:`~md4c.domparser.ContainerNode`. For these, you can almost always rely on the default :meth:`~md4c.domparser.ContainerNode.render` method as-is and just customize :meth:`~md4c.domparser.ContainerNode.render_pre` and :meth:`~md4c.domparser.ContainerNode.render_post`. They run before and after the children are rendered, respectively. - The CommonMark spec allows most span elements to occur inside an image element. HTML does *not* allow this, since the image text becomes the alt text attribute. To handle this, most of the span and text elements accept an ``image_nesting_level`` argument for their :meth:`~md4c.domparser.ASTNode.render` method. If ``image_nesting_level > 0``, they render without HTML tags. - Normally, text nodes appear in the regular text of a document. But sometimes, they appear in URL contexts (link targets and image sources). In those contexts, the render function for text nodes is passed an additional keyword argument: ``url_escape``. When True, normal text and entities must process their output through their :meth:`~md4c.domparser.TextNode.url_escape` method. Using :class:`bytes` as the Input --------------------------------- All the examples above have assumed UTF-8 input. As with all the other parsers in PyMD4C, :class:`~md4c.domparser.DOMParser` will parse :class:`bytes` objects as well. In that case, the :meth:`~md4c.domparser.ASTNode.render` method on the resulting AST will also return a :class:`bytes` object. There are some additional caveats to be aware of when modifying ASTs generated from :class:`bytes` input: - When constructing a new :class:`~md4c.domparser.ASTNode`, you must set ``use_bytes=True`` in the constructor, for example:: heading_node = md4c.domparser.ASTNode(md4c.BlockType.H, level=1, use_bytes=True) - Text for any :class:`~md4c.domparser.TextNode` must be a :class:`bytes` object:: link_node = md4c.domparser.ASTNode( md4c.SpanType.A, href=[(md4c.TextType.NORMAL, b'')], use_bytes=True) link_node.append(md4c.domparser.ASTNode( md4c.TextType.Normal, text=b'Example Link Text', use_bytes=True) - When using custom :class:`~md4c.domparser.ASTNode` subclasses, make sure any overridden :meth:`~md4c.domparser.ASTNode.render`, :meth:`~md4c.domparser.ContainerNode.render_pre`, or :meth:`~md4c.domparser.ContainerNode.render_post` methods return :class:`bytes` objects when the :attr:`self.bytes ` attribute is True:: class InlineMathJax(md4c.domparser.InlineMath, element_type=md4c.SpanType.LATEXMATH): def render_pre(self, **kwargs): if self.bytes: return b'\\(' return '\\(' def render_post(self, **kwargs): if self.bytes: return b'\\)' return '\\)'